Building a Better Tomorow
Having the opportunity to turn innovative thinking into collaborative action will transform our community.
At The Creative School, we believe it is not our role to mold students into whom we think they should be, but rather nurture the goodness, curiosity, confidence, competence, ingenuity, creativity, and love that already exists within each child.
We envision the type of education that honors childhood, builds lasting relationships with families and fosters creative and compassionate learners.
Approach to Learning
We are inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy of education. This philosophy views children as strong, capable, active learners who are worthy of respect. We prioritize the importance of children being surrounded by adults who support their thinking and ideas.
The Creative School philosophy supports that children have infinite potential and our programs work to engage young children in thought-provoking, natural environments. We strive to be a leader in cultivating authentic relationships that will transform the foundation of the educational journey.
“No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship.” — James Comer